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4 Factors That May Cause Your Residential Septic Tank To Fill Up Faster

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Many households pump out and clean their septic tanks once every two or three years. Septic pumping cleans out waste from the tank and eliminates clogs in the system. Pumping also drains out wastewater and prevents an overflow. After this exercise, the system should go for at least a few more years before needing another pump-out. Therefore, if your septic tank requires more frequent pump-outs, there may be something wrong with the system. Below are four factors that may cause your tank to fill up faster.

Increased Household Size

If your septic system was initially designed for a three-person household, it can't accommodate a six-people home. An increase in household size translates into increased water usage. Therefore, the tank has to hold more wastewater than it is designed to. The drain field may be unable to treat and discharge the wastewater fast, which causes the tank to fill up quickly. Therefore, you have to conduct frequent pump-outs or upgrade your septic system.

Poor Outdoor Drainage Design

Septic systems are primarily made for draining wastewater from indoor plumbing. Do not use your tank to drain stormwater runoff and rainwater from the gutters. If you direct the water to your septic tank, it may cause the tank to fill up faster, leading to an overflow. Consequently, you have to pump the tank often to maintain its performance. Redesign your outdoor drainage system to avoid burdening your septic system with rainwater runoff.

Clogged Drain Field

The drain field treats effluent or wastewater and discharges it into the ground. It plays a significant role in preventing the septic tank from overflowing. A clogged drain field slows down effluent treatment and discharge. Over time, the field saturates with effluent and fails to accommodate wastewater from the septic tank. This causes the tank to overflow. Regularly inspect, clean, and repair your drain field to improve effluent treatment and drainage and prevent the septic tank from filling up.

Improper Waste Management 

Poor waste disposal habits can prove detrimental to your septic system. For example, using a garbage disposal can cause your septic tank to fill up fast. Once the food pieces end up in the septic tank, they sit at the bottom. The aerobic bacteria may fail to break down the food, leading to a buildup in the tank. Consequently, the tank may fill up faster and require frequent pump-outs. Do not use a garbage disposal if you have a septic system. Also, avoid flushing non-biodegradable waste down your sinks and toilets.

If your septic tank is filling up faster than it should, the above factors may be the cause. Contact a septic service for septic pumping and cleaning.
