FAQs From New Homeowners About Septic Pumping
When you buy your first home, there are a lot of things you typically have to get used to like mowing the lawn, maintaining the furnace, and washing the windows are good examples. One system you may not think about for a while after moving in is the septic. Most septic tanks only need pumping every few years, so you may be pretty well settled in before you think about doing any sort of maintenance to your tank. When the time does arrive for septic pumping, you might find yourself with some or all of these questions.
How do you know where the septic tank is?
Most septic tanks are located under the backyard. Head back there, and look around for what looks like a small manhole cover. Most septic tanks have these as caps. In some cases, the cover may be smaller and may look more like a sewer vent cover — with a diameter similar to that of a softball.
If you cannot find the cover or access for your septic tank, look for your home's architectural plans. They will generally have the septic location drawn in. You may have a copy set aside with your deed. If you cannot find them, then the septic company will have to trace and locate your tank. They can do this, but they may charge you more for the work.
How long does septic pumping take?
Once the septic company arrives, it should only take them a few hours, at the very most, to pump your tank and put the lid back on. You should not have to spend an entire day on this task.
If your tank is broken, will the septic company tell you?
Yes, if the septic professionals notice anything wrong with your tank while they are pumping, they will let you know. However, they do not usually see or access the whole tank during a pumping service. If you want them to take a more thorough look, you will want to pay for a septic inspection. It's a good idea to have one of those every decade or two to ensure your tank is in good shape. Many tanks do eventually develop leaks that need to be repaired.
Hopefully, this piece has answered some of the most important questions you've had about septic tank pumping. Talk to a company like Ace Septic & Excavating Inc. And Ace Chemical Toilets to learn more.